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Saturday, 25 January 2014

High Level Migration Plan for SCCM 2007 to SCCM 2012

10 Steps to Migration fromo SCCM 2007 to SCCM 2012

The Configuration Manager 2012 migration process is usually part of a project that consists of diverse Microsoft Operations Framework phases. Be sure to plan your migration project and walk through the Envision, Plan, and Design phases. A well-planned and well-designed Configuration Manager environment, based on the results of the envisioning phase, is a must for a successful migration process.
The Configuration Manager migration process consists of ten global technical steps:
1. Prepare your migration.
2. Test your migration scenario.
3. Configure the migration feature.
4. Configure distribution point sharing.
5. Create migration jobs and migrate the objects.
6. Change the UNC paths of the packages in Configuration Manager 2012.
7. Convert the packages to applications.
8. Migrate the secondary sites and upgrade the distribution points.
9. Deploy the new Configuration Manager 2012 client.
10. Remove Configuration Manager 2007.
Let's look at each step in more detail.

1. Prepare your migration. When you plan to migrate to Configuration Manager 2012, you need to prepare your Configuration Manager 2007 environment to support the migration. You can perform the following steps to add migration support to your Configuration Manager 2007 environment:
  • Configuration Manager 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2) needs to be installed on all site servers; whether you install R2 or R3 doesn't matter.
  • There is no support for users and devices in one collection, so create separate collections for users and devices. Collections that contain a reference to a collection of a different resource type are not supported.
  • Be sure that your package source is always a UNC path. Local paths will not work when migrating the objects to a new Configuration Manager 2012 server.
  • Use unique site codes for your Configuration Manager 2012 environment.
  • Upgrade your XP branch distribution points to Windows 7.

2. Test your migration scenario. When migrating your assets from Configuration Manager 2007 to Configuration Manager 2012, it’s important to test your migration scenario first in a lab environment. Familiarize yourself with the migration steps in the lab environment before migrating your production environment.

3. Configure the migration feature. You can find the migration feature in the Administration workspace in the Configuration Manager 2012 console. To configure this feature, you need to first define a source hierarchy. This source hierarchy is usually the highest primary site server in the Configuration Manager 2007 hierarchy. After the source hierarchy is defined, a data-gathering process gathers all information about the source hierarchy. When this process finishes for the first time, you need to configure other sites in the hierarchy with credentials that have access to those sites. By default, the data-gathering process runs every four hours.
4. Configure distribution point sharing. Not only are all objects inventoried during the data-gathering process, so are the Configuration Manager 2007 distribution points. The eligibility of those points for sharing with Configuration Manager 2012 is also determined. You can configure distribution point sharing per site. Use this option when you have a phased migration of clients, before moving all your packages to a Configuration Manager 2012 distribution point.
5. Create migration jobs. Depending on your Configuration Manager 2007 environment, you can migrate your objects in one or more migration jobs. If your migration phase will take longer, you can remigrate the changed objects in Configuration Manager. Be aware that the longer you are in the migration phase, the longer you need to maintain two Configuration Manager environments.
6. Change the UNC paths of the packages in Configuration Manager 2012.When the source of your just-migrated packages is still on the Configuration Manager 2007 site server, you might want to move them over to the new Configuration Manager 2012 server or servers. You can do so by using the Coretech Package Source Changer. This tool can change the UNC path of the package source and copy the files and folder structure to the new package source share on the Configuration Manager 2012 server. By changing the package source at the Configuration Manager 2012 packages, you leave the original source at the Configuration Manager 2007 site intact.
7. Convert the packages to applications. After changing the UNC paths and moving the content to the new Configuration Manager site server, you can convert the classic packages to the new application model. The Package Conversion Manager add-on will help you in the conversion process.
8. Migrate secondary sites and distribution points. You cannot migrate secondary sites to Configuration Manager 2012, so take your time to investigate whether a distribution point can replace your old secondary sites. Most roles, such as PXE support and bandwidth throttling, are now also available when implementing distribution points only.

9. Deploy the new Configuration Manager 2012 client. After preparing and testing the new Configuration Manager 2012 environment, you’re ready to deploy the new Configuration Manager clients to your devices. The deployment of these clients can be done in several ways. The best option is to deploy the Configuration Manager 2012 clients with your old Configuration Manager 2007 environment. This way, you have a managed way of deploying the new clients.

10. Remove Configuration Manager 2007. To remove Configuration Manager 2007, you first need to stop the data-gathering process and clean up the migration data from the Configuration Manager 2012 database. After doing so, you can remove Configuration Manager 2007 by uninstalling the site servers.

Migrating to Configuration Manager 2012

This article has given you an overview of the Configuration Manager 2007–to–Configuration Manager 2012 migration approach. You can now identify the steps that need to be taken when migrating your Configuration Manager 2007 environment to the current version. 
Thanks to windowsitpro . com

Friday, 24 January 2014

Step By Step Procedure to Deploy Operating System (OSD) in SCCM 2007

Operating System Deployment-SCCM 2007 Step By Step Procedure

This post explains the step by step by procedure (flow) to build, capture and deploy Operating System to a bare metal machine.

It covers:

A] Preparing SCCM Server for OSD
B] Building and capturing OS image
C] Deploying Operating Systems.

There are two methods to capture OS image.
a] Using Task sequence to capture  the OS from a reference machine.(Automating BUILD as well)
b] Using Manual method.( build an operating system and then capture using SCCM)

Here, I am building and capturing the image through Task Sequence. And also not using any USMT to migrate 

data since it is a plain bare metal deployment, not an upgrade.

A]. Preparing SCCM Server for OSD:

1. Install WDS server role.
2. Install and configure PXE service point.
3.General Supported Configurations.
4 . Create and set Network access account.
5. Create and distribute the Configuration Manager 2007 package, all the relevant KB updates as packages.
The below post helps to create the SCCM 2007 Client package:

In the same way, KB977384 - Advanced Client Hotfix and other hotfixes can be packaged for deploying to the client.

6.Enable Command support and distribute Boot images to Distribution Points.

B] Building and capturing OS image

1. Source Files and Image folder structure:

In order to build a machine, we would need the Operating System source files that we want to deploy. Get the  Source 

files and copy it to a shared folder.. preferably on SCCM server itself.
Create another shared folder for storing the captured image after the build is complete. An example folder structure that

I have created in the LAB environment.

\\SCCM1\OSD_Source\Windows7\ - Consists the Source files for Windows 7 OS and it is shared folder.
\\SCCM1\OSD_Deploy\Windows7\ - shared folder that will store the Windows 7 image files( WIM file) once the capturing

is  done.

2. Adding the Operating System Install Package:

To build a reference machine with the Windows 7 Operating System, we need source files. So copy all the files and folders of 

Windows 7 content to \\SCCM1\OSD_Source\Windows7 shared folder.

The below steps explain how to add the Operating System Install Package:

a] In SCCM 2007 Console, go to "Operating System Install Packages" under OSD node of the computer management. Click on 

"Add Operating System Install package".

b]On "Data Source" tab, enter the shared network path where the source files are present as shown in the below screenshot. 

Click Next.

c] On  General tab, enter the name, version and comments. Click Next, review summary and click on close to complete 
the wizard.

3. Distributing the Windows 7 Install Package:

a] In SCCM 2007 Console, go to "Operating System Install Packages" under OSD node of the computer management. 
Expand the previously added Windows 7 Install image and select Distribution points.

b] Click on " New Distribution Points' , click next on the Welcome screen. On the "Copy Package" tab, select all the 

available applicable DP's. 

c]Click Next and click close to complete the wizard

**Note that the SMSPXEIMAGES$ Share should be used only for Boot Images and  not for any other software 


4. Creating a task sequence to "Build & Capture Win7 Reference machine"

Please follow the steps in the below link to create the task sequence for build and capture of the Windows 7 

Reference machine.

After the creation of the task sequence following the steps in the above link, the next thing that has to be 

done is advertising the task sequence to computers.

5.Advertise the task sequence to Unknown Computers

This OSD specific advertisement will run when we boot a machine to get this advertisement. If PXE Service point is 

installed, it will automatically fetch the OS image through network boot.
The below link explains the step by step procedure to advertise the Task sequence to Unknown Computers.

6.Boot the reference computer:

As PXE Service point is already installed and DHCP is configured, just boot the reference computer. Just make 

sure that the reference computer is on the same network. 
The steps and the process to capture the image is detailed in the below link.

OK,now the OS image is finally captured and is waiting to be deployed.

C] Deploying Operating Systems

The OS Reference image is successfully created and is available to be deployed to the clients.We can further 

customize by adding other software applications and drivers into the OS.

1. Create OS Image Package:

a] Open the SCCM 2007 console and navigate to Site Database / Computer Management / Operating System Deployment, 
from the actions menu. Click on “Add Operating System Image”.

b] On the “Add Operating System Image Wizard” , Data Source Tab, enter the Network path for the WIM image that is created.
Here the path is \\SCCM1\OSDeploy\Windows7.wim
Click Next to continue

c] On the General Tab, enter the appropriate name and the version.

Click Next  and click close to complete the wizard.

2. Distributing the image to DPs:

a] Expand  the newly added Operating System Image " Windows 7 Ultimate-32 Bit", go to Distribution Points>>>> 
Click  on "New Distribution points" from the Actions menu.

b] On the New Distribution wizard, click next on the welcome screen then on the "copy package"  tab select the applicable DPs.
Note that SMSPXEIMAGES$ Share is only for Boot images and not for other OS or software applications.

c] Click Next and click Close to complete the wizard.

3.Creating a Task Sequence to deploy Operating System:

To create a task sequence to deploy OS, follow the steps in the below mentioned link.

4.Advertise the task sequence to Unknown Computers

This OSD specific advertisement will run when we boot a machine to get this advertisement. If PXE Service point 

is installed, it will automatically fetch the OS image through network boot.
The below link explains the step by step procedure to advertise the Task sequence to Unknown Computers.

Once it is  advertised, boot a new machine that is on the same sub-net.  
The booted machine will download  the boot file , install OS ,software and joins the computer to domain as specified 
in the Task  sequence.
We can also use scripts to rename the computer using a Task sequence variable.

For troubleshooting OSD Task sequence issues, check SMSTS.LOG

How to create SCCM 2007 Client Package

How to create SCCM 2007 Client Package

To deploy SCCM 2007 Client agent using software distribution or OSD, we have to create a package for it.
As the client source files already exists on the server, we have an option called " Package from Defintion" on the software distribution >> packages node. This "Package from definition" can be used to create the SCCM 2007 Client package.
There is no need to create  additional program, it will be created automatically and just needs to be distributed to DP's for installing on clients.
The program name that will be created is " Advanced Client Silent Upgrade". We can further customize this program to suit the organizational requirements.

Creating the SCCM Client package:

The procedure to create SCCM 2007 client package :

1. In the SCCM 2007 Console, go to Site Database / Computer Management / Software Distribution/ Packages node> Right click on it and select " Package from definition" as shown.

2. On Create Package from Definition Wizard”, Welcome screen, click Next.On the “Package Definition” screen, select the Configuration Manager Client Upgrade definition and click Next.

3. On the source files,select “Always obtain files from a source directory” and then click Next.

4. On the Source Directory screen, select Network Path and browse to <ConfigMgr Installation Folder>\Client and then click Next.

Click Finish on the next summary screen and the SCCM 2007 Client package is created successfully.

Distributing the Client Package:

Once the client package is created, we have to distribute it to all the available DP's. Steps to do that :

1. In the ConfigMgr console, expand the package for the Configuration Manager Client Upgrade, right-click the Distribution Points node, and select New Distribution Points. 
2. On the New Distribution Points wizard, click Next.
3. On Copy package tab, select all the available DP's where the package has to be distributed.
4. Click Close on the "confirmation screen" to complete the distribution.

distmgr.log is useful to check whether the package has been distributed successfully or not. We can also check the package status from the Package status node under the same package or "System status " node.

Create a task sequence to "Deploy Windows Operating System"

Create a task sequence to "Deploy Windows Operating System"

The below post explains the steps to create a Task Sequence for Deploying Windows 7

1. In the SCCM 2007 Console, navigate to Site Database / Computer Management / Operating System Deployment and right-click the Task Sequences node and select New – Task Sequence.

2. On the New Task Sequence Wizard, in the Create a New Task Sequence screen, select Install an existing image package and then click Next.

3. Task Sequence Information: On this screen, enter the appropriate task sequence name, comments and select the Boot Image that has to be used. Here, I am deploying 32 bit OS and I have selected X86 boot image as shown. 
Click Next to proceed.

4. Install Windows : On the Install the Windows Operating System screen, at the Package field, select Browse.Select the Operating System Install Package i.e. Windows7 32 Bit OS 1 en-US ( here).

On the Edition field, use the drop-down to select image :  1-Windows 7 or appropriate edition.

Product key can be entered later and this can be left empty.

Select the option Always use the same administrator password ; enter and confirm a password.
Click Next to continue.

5. Configure Network: On this screen, select Join a Domain and Click on Browse to select the domain( here it is 
  • Don't use in-built containers
  • Use OU's instead of containers like "Computers"
  • Leave the OU field blank if you are not sure, it will add the computer to Computers container.
Here, I have created a  separate OU named " OSD Computers". I have entered this in the field of OU.

6. Install ConfigMgr: On this tab, click on browse and select the Configuration mangager 2007 Client package that was created previously as per the below link.

Click Next and uncheck the capture user setttings on the state migration tab since it is not an upgrade but a bare metal deployment

7. Include Updates : On the Include Updates in Image screen, select Don’t Install any Software updates and click Next.

Note: Unless the Software Update Point role has been installed, and Software Update deployments and packages have been created, the Install Updates task will not do anything.

8. Install Software: On this screen, click on the yellow star button to add software packages if needed. Here, I am adding KB977384 Package as part of the task sequence. Other packages or organization specific or custom softwares can be added here in order to customize the OS.

Click Next, Next and click on close to complete  the Task sequence wizard.

The task sequence is now created and we need to make some minor modifications to this task sequence to suit our requirements.

Editing the Task Sequence:

1. In the SCCM console, select Task Sequences and locate the task sequence just created in the Details pane. 
2. Right-click the task sequence Windows7 OSD and select Edit.
3. In the task sequence editor, select the task: Partition Disk 0 and in the Volume section, highlight the Default (Primary) volume and select the Edit button.

4. On the Partition Properties screen under Formatting Options, check the box: Quick format and then click OK to save it.

The next task is to  advertise the Task sequence to unknown computers.